Salon for the Intellectual

Welcome to BrainSalon


hosts exclusive local get-togethers to meet like-minded individuals and discuss wide ranging topics.

Do you hold strong opinions about certain subjects?
Do you like to argue for your position?
Does curiosity drive you?
We are a roving band of intellectuals.
All opinions are welcomed and the only rule is to respect each others’ opinion while debating for yours.
Find people from similar planets of beliefs.
Find your tribe.
We welcome tourists of opinions as well, you don't need to have a fully formed view to join a discussion.
We'll make best effort to preserve your anonymity if you choose so.

Come join us and consume a nutritional meal:
Join discussion on many cross-disciplinary, complex subjects.
Early adopters get membership for life for free, limited spots available, apply now!
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How does it work?  Become a member of BrainSalon. Gain access to events organized in your local BrainSalon. Typically there are 10 to 15 attendees at an event. Format of a typical event:


30 minute presentation on the given topic.

Overview of the topic at high level with few selected subtopics deep dived.


30 minutes of Q&A.

Free flowing session where everyone is encouraged to ask questions related to the presentation, pitch alternate views etc..


3 hours of one on one conversations.

Organic conversations with a side of light refreshments. Smaller groups break out and discuss further.

“I loved the ability to discuss my thinking around how Memory Palaces work at the recent event.”

Jonathan Wilson
TriBeCa BrainSalon

“Met someone tonight who is into Trans-humanism, I thought I was alone in my area!”

Joanna Williamson
Fort Lee BrainSalon

Upcoming Events

A selection of the upcoming events at BrainSalons near you*.
(*) Currently, BrainSalons operate in Northern NJ and NYC area. More locations are coming soon!
Electrification of world transportation
Is Big Oil doomed?
March 2020, Williamsburg and Alpine, NJ.
Attend Event
Longevity and the science of aging              
The science of delaying onset of age-related diseases as well as the potential of reversal of aging. It's all about the QALY.
March 2020, Williamsburg and Alpine, NJ.
Automation of work
How work across many industries is being reimagined and how not to get left behind.
March 2020, NYC and Alpine, NJ.
Attend Event
BrainSalon Membership
Apply now
per month
  • 30-day trial period
  • Cancel anytime
  • No long term contract
  • Early adopters get membership for life for free, limited spots, apply now!
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"BrainSalon membership has transformed my outlook on life and what the future holds."

Other Upcoming Events

Developed economies are de-materializing. Raw resource consumption is decreasing while GDP is increasing. We are moving into digital realm. What does it mean for economies, markets and humanity at large?
How to cope with the feeling of loneliness?
The “hard” problem of consciousness
Does human brain take advantage of quantum phenomena - is it basis for consciousness? We explore this topic and what are its implications for the future of building artificial brains.
Making life multi-planetary   
What will it mean for humanity to settle on Mars and beyond.
Creativity in the age of machines
Are there any human traits that machines won't be able replicate?
The Age of Second Great Transparency
After coming out of sea onto land and vastly increasing our field of view from meters to kilometers, Internet has ushered second great leap of visibility and transparency, another 1000-fold leap. We discuss its implications and how we're struggling but also rapidly adapting to it.
Art as new religion       
Is religion being replaced by art?
Spatial Computing
Moving beyond mainframe, desktop and mobile platforms we are on the precipice of entering a forth category of computing. What are Spatial Computing's implications for the next decade to come?
Machine Learning: the new software development paradigm
We've moved beyond programming computers with statically typed instruction sets. Data is the new electricity and businesses that electrify first win.
Climate engineering
From unintentionally altering global climate to deliberately engineering climate of a planet, terraforming Mars and beyond. We explore what it means to move beyond Type I civilization on the Kardashev scale.
Modern day Pyramids and Pantheons
Wonders that were built over 2000 years ago set example for level of technical audacity not often reached for even today. What does it take to build modern day Pantheons and Pyramids?
Human capital in post energy-scarce world            
With food, shelter, energy no longer scarce (and mostly free) in the near future, what will humans spend their days on? What will it take to find new purpose in life?
Fear of being ordinary   
Novel ways of thinking what it means to be human in digital world. And perhaps being ordinary is not so bad, some even coin it "striving to become premium mediocre".
How Memory Palaces work
Historical lesson how interaction with physical environment and building 3D replicas helped increase our abilities for long form memorization.
The coming age of sovereign individual
We take a wide sweep of the current landscape of technologies allowing humanity to move beyond the concept of sovereign state on the road to becoming sovereign individuals.
The end of money    
End of money, both in terms of physical manifestation of value but also as means of value exchange is becoming real. We discuss potential implications.
Quantum effects and biology of brain and DNA
We discuss cutting edge research into what if any effect quantum field theory has on our understanding of biology of brain, evolution, DNA formation etc.
Where do we draw the line? What does it even mean to be trans-humanist? We discuss wide rage of topics related to the ongoing human machine fusion.
Lizard brain and the information superhighway
We explore evolutionary traits in human brain that helped us survive 10,000 years ago but increasingly are clashing with today's reality. It is jarring, physical experience but those able to overcome their primal instincts will thrive in the new world.
Exploration of Mental Models
Tactical session on some of the most popular mental models that successful entrepreneurs, investors and creators use.
Real world and the coming age of synthetic realities
What does advent of spacial computing bring? We dive deep and explore 🖐 hands-on several leading platforms for synthetic realities.
Divorce in America    
The family court system was setup for the benefit of the child but did it turned out to be so? The mechanics of getting divorced in US.
The Invisible Algorithm
How algorithms affect our lives? What's really hiding under the hood of algos driving the biggest consumer platforms of our lives: Facebook, Netflix, etc.
Psychology of the Crowd
Why it's more important to understand it than the facts.
and more..               
Check back for more events, join the waitlist.
BrainSalon Membership
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  • 30-day trial period
  • Cancel anytime
  • No long term contract
  • Early adopters get membership for life for free, limited spots, apply now!
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"BrainSalon membership has transformed my outlook on life and what the future holds."

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